
Thursday, July 15, 2010


Here are some facts:):).

1. Girls hate being pressured into doing something they dont want to do, and love it when you say cute and sweet things about them.
2. Girls like it when you surprise them with simple things.
3. Girls usually end up falling for their best guy friend.
4. We fall in love with the nice, sweet and funny guys.
5. Girls build up walls around themself just to see which boy is brave enough to climb over it.
6. To girls, the simpliest things say so much like going for a walk & holding hands.
7. We're really not complicated.
8. Just tell a girl that you like her, don't make her all crazy about it, be honest and open.
9. When trying to do something nice for her, she doesnt care that its not totally awesome, she just cares if you tried your best. (But if you forget our birthday,
your a deadman)
10. Girls love guys that can be gentlemen, we love it when you are sweet and pull out our chair for us or hold the door open... Chivalry is dead but it's still kind of cute.
11. We want to be loved all the time, not just when it's convienent for you.
12. Girls want to talk to guys on the phone, we like when you call us & when you
say cute things, like you're beautiful or just want to know how our day was. Sometimes we just want to hear your voice.
13. If you take too long to tell us you like us, we might eventually move on with someone we like less than you.
14. We read alot into things since we care alot, so watch what you say.
15. When we love you, we can't let go.
16. You have to be man enough to be sensitive, and let your guard down. Even when your friends are around.
17. Girls may not have the best judgement at times, we aren't always right either, but sometimes you just have to agree.
18. We like the little things guys do; they dont have to take us out to dinner and pay $100, when we can buy a pizza and watch movies, the way they tighten their arms around us when we pull away from a hug,
and an email telling you he's thinking of you.
19. We dont think getting in fights and swearing every other word is cool or impressive .
20. We like it when you give us hugs.
21. Girls have lots of emotions and we need our boy to be our best friend.
22. Girls want a guy who can be their shoulder to cry on.
23. When you notice a girl is trying to hint that she likes you and you feel the same...THEN DO SOMETHING!!!!
If not, come out and tell her that you want to be friends but you don't share the same feelings.
24. When girls are angry at something other than you, give them a hug and listen to them!!
25. Guys can open up to us and be sensitive, we like that. We wouldn't think you're less tough.
26. Sometimes we can get clingy,but that's because we love you so much & we don't want to lose you ever, and we are afraid of getting hurt.
27. Make the first move no matter how shy are. Girls shouldn't feel pressure to talk to the guy first.
28. Listen to our best friends: they know best.
29. Never say you love us unless you mean it.
30. Don't just talk to her because you fancy her, talk to her because you want to be friends/get to know her.
31. Girls love when you're walking down the hallway and then when u make eye contact flash a little smile.
32. Say really cute things, BUT ONLY IF YOU MEAN THEM!
33. We need a guy we can rely on. One who keeps his word and backs up what he says with actions.
34. If you have something to say, just say it, don't beat around the bush.
we dont like having to try and guess and bug you, and end up coming off as clingy when we are not, we just care.
35. Girls go crazy when a guy smells good. Not too much, just enough so that when you hug you or kiss you,
you can tell they smell amazing. We love the smell of your favorite sweatshirt :)
36. We like it when you tell us your true feelings, and are really straight forward with us.
37. We dont like to be played around with.
38. We love it when you show that you care,that when we have a problem no matter how late into the night we call you
to talk about it you're there to listen and make us feel better.
39. The key to our hearts is being able to make us laugh :)
40. Don't believe everything she says, its not always what she means.
41. All we want is something pure and honest, so be real.
42. We melt inside if we start to say something and you look at us with a smile that tells us to keep talking and you care about what we have on our mind.
43 girls are not the dolls to play with
44  girls heart get melted easily
45 girls get angry when her guy talks about his friend his friend or heroine.
46 Never cheat on us
47if we are upset comfort us
48 we love it when you cuddle us from behind
49 Alwayz makes us feel loved 
50 sometimes we need your advice too
51 girls are need to be loved always
52 when a girl stares at you , she is wondering y u re so wonderfull
53 we ars just as shy as you are about relationships
54 speaking of nicknames , almost every girl has one nickname that they just loved to be called
55  girls hate guyz with bad hygiene
56  girls luv it when a guy pulls them close by the waist
57 when we say no its no, so stop askng
58  Most of girls luv  it when guyz asked for advice
59 we love it when you make a eye contact when u talk with us
60 at last a grl wants her guy to be a best friend forever in lyf


  1. Priya really a gud 1.........engaiyo poitinga madam

  2. gr8 priyaa.......u r fabulous!!!
    m sure u will definitely find dat perfect guy for u :D :D....keep it up.. ;-)

  3. hey really its so nice da also tats true..
    its so excellent work da
